Water Wise Management in Gardens in the Early Modern Period



This session of the Advanced Training Seminar in Gardens, Landscapes and the Environment will be presented by Samira Peruchi Moretto (Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Brazil), on the topic of The History of the Dissemination of Feijoa: (Acca sellowiana) and the role of Californian nurseries. Zoom link to be provided shortly.

The aim of this article is to analyse the historical process of the spread of feijoa around the world and the role of Californian nurseries in this process. The study of the spread of a plant species is a dynamic process that transcends borders and emphasises the importance of human beings in the frequent changes to the landscape. The natural environment is constantly changing and human beings are part of this context, living in association with the surrounding environment, changing and adapting to it. The domestication of plants and animals is a significant part of the interactions between humans and the natural environment, illustrating both the demands of humans on the biota and the ways in which the biota shapes human societies. The choice of a variety to be domesticated also interferes with its own dissemination. The fruit species that were most successful in being adapted and accepted by different groups were those that were widely spread across the continents, such as oranges, bananas, cocoa, among others. Thus, today there are species that are more widespread than others. This study is in line with global environmental history, which brings together studies from multiple perspectives to create an analysis of global ecological change.

Drª Samira has a degree in History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2007), a master's degree in History from the same university (2010) and a PhD in History from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2014), with a sandwich period at California State University, Long Beach (2013). She is a full professor on the History course and the Postgraduate Programme in History at the Federal University of the Southern Frontier (PPGH/UFFS) and the Postgraduate Programme in History at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (PPGH/UFSC). She is currently Director of Postgraduate Studies at UFFS. She is on the Board of the Latin American and Caribbean Society of Environmental History (SOLCHA). She was coordinator of the Postgraduate Programme in History at PPGH/UFFS (2018-2022). Since 2018 she has been the editor of Fronteiras: Revista Catarinense de História. She is a member of the CNPq Research Groups: Laboratório de Imigração, Migração e História Ambiental, LABIMHA/UFSC (researcher) and Fronteiras: Laboratório de História Ambiental at UFFS (leader). She researches and supervises work on Environmental History, Domestication and Introduction of Plant Species, Deforestation, Reforestation, Landscape Transformations, Biodiversity Conservation and the History of the Brazilian Republic, with an emphasis on the period from 1964 to the present day. He has been awarded research fellowships at the following libraries and archives: John Carter Brown Library at Brown University (autumn 2022) and the Huntington Library (winter/spring 2023).

Ana Duarte Rodrigues - PI of AQUA Project  with the final book of the project, which will be launched soon.

Ana Duarte Rodrigues wins Scientific Merit Award @ Sciences Research Day 2022

Ana Duarte Rodrigues wins the Scientific Merit Award in the area of History and Philosophy of Science in the presentation session of the Science 2021 Research Awards in the morning of the Ciências Research Day 2022, on 26th October. This day is dedicated to the dissemination of excellent research at the Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon.


Patricia Monteiro (AQUA) wins Best Master Award 2020/21 from NOVA University of Lisbon

Member of the AQUA project, Patricia Monteiro wins the prize for Best Master 2020/21 of the Master in Sustainable Urbanism and Spatial Planning, FCT and FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Ana Duarte Rodrigues was the co-supervisor of Patricia Monteiro's Master's thesis, entitled The Intelligent Use of Water in Seixal, together with Professor José Tenedório, from the Department of Geography of FCSH.


AQUA | @ Ciências Research Day 2022

AQUA was present at the 4th edition of the CIÊNCIAS Research Day at FCUL, which took place on 26 October. Ana Duarte Rodrigues was one of the keynote lecturers with "Building bridges for the History of Science". In the session "Boosting Sustainable Development Goals Initiative - 'Pitch your Science'", Patricia Monteiro was selected to present her PhD project in History and Philosophy of Science, being one of five students chosen from the entire FCUL universe.

AQUA's Final Conference - a few pictures from two very successful and remarkable days. We thank everyone who was part of this project and attended the conference.





C1 - 3º FLOOR

The final conference of the AQUA Project is nearing and the programme is already available. To see the programme more clearly visit the PROGRAMME page, and if you want to attend the conference please register at the REGISTRATION page.


Pier Luigi Pireddu, PhD student and member of the AQUA Project, presents at the PhD seminar at Aarhus University (Denmark) for the course Philosophy, Nature, and Climate change. The title of the presentation, based on the PhD project, is "History of ecology: a glance from the perspective of field research stations". 


Ignacio García Pereda, an AQUA Team and Euronatura member, is releasing a book called “Sacadores de Corcho – Tiradores de Cortiça: una memoria oral” on the 17th September 2022. To make this book, Ignacio interviewed many workers on the cork stripping field, giving oral history the main focus in his investigation. The book release will take place in Azaruja, Évora, at the Festival Suro.


Ana Duarte Rodrigues, principal investigator of AQUA Project, became a member of David Gentilcore’s Advisory Board for the Water-Cultures Project at Ca’Foscari University of Venice. This project’s team has worked with internationally renowned scholars working on the field of history of water, creating a series of short conversations that have been posted online. To see Ana Duarte Rodrigues’ conversation, click here.


Ana Duarte Rodrigues participated at "In conversation with", series of the Water Cultures Project, from Ca' Foscari University of Venice. This is a series of short filmed conversations between members of the Water-Cultures team and renowned international scholars working in the field. They discuss what drew them to their respective topics, the sources and approaches they use in their research, challenges faced and future directions. David Gentilcore is the Principal Investigator of this European Research Council Project.




Supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia under the research projects IF/00322/2014 and PTDC/HARHIS/28627/2017, this work was edited by Ana Duarte Rodrigues, team leader and Principal Investigator of the Project AQUA, and Carmen Toribio Marín, from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Spain. 

The work is available at:  https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-030-34061-2#toc


Book release:


Rodrigues, A. D. O Triunfo dos Jardins. O pelouro dos Passeios e Arvoredos de Lisboa (1840-1900). Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal/ Lisboa Capital Verde Europeia 2020. 640 pages.

The work is available at:  http://livrariaonline-ebooks.bnportugal.gov.pt/book/o-triunfo-dos-jardins-o-pelouro-dos-passeios-e-arvoredos-de-lisboa-1840-1900/M0K8X0

HORTAS DE LISBOA: Da Idade Média ao século XXI

The catalog of the exhibition “Hortas de Lisboa. From the Middle Ages to the 21st century", which has the participation of Ana Duarte Rodrigues, constitutes a contribution of the Lisbon Museum to the history of the gardens of Lisbon and to the reflection on their future, through topics as current as sustainability, the sovereignty and food security of the city. 

Editorial coordination: Daniela Araújo and Mário Nascimento

Language: Portuguese/English

Edition: Lisbon Museum/EGEAC, 2021

Pages: 208

ISBN: 978-989-8763-61-7

AQUA Project's Final Conference

The AQUA project was based on the Susbeauty project, both coordinated by Professor Ana Duarte Rodrigues, coordinator of the Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology at the University of Lisbon and editor of the magazine Gardens & Landscapes.