Supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia under the research projects IF/00322/2014 and PTDC/HARHIS/28627/2017, this work was edited by Ana Duarte Rodrigues, team leader and Principal Investigator of the Project AQUA, and Carmen Toribio Marín, from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Spain.
The work is available at:
Ana Duarte Rodrigues (1): Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e Tecnologia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa, Portugal
Carmen Toribio Marín (2): Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Madrid, Spain.
This volume approaches the history of water in the Iberian Peninsula in a novel way, by linking it to the ongoing international debate on water crisis and solutions to overcome the lack of water in the Mediterranean.
What water devices were found? What were the models for these devices? How were they distributed in the villas and monastic enclosures? What impact did hydraulic theoretical knowledge have on these water systems, and how could these systems impact on hydraulic technology? Guided by these questions, this book covers the history of water in the most significant cities, the role of water in landscape transformation, the irrigation systems and water devices in gardens and villas, and, lastly, the theoretical and educational background on water management and hydraulics in the Iberian Peninsula between the sixteenth and the nineteenth centuries.
Historiography on water management in the territory that is today Spain has highlighted the region’s role as a mediator between the Islamic masters of water and the Christian world. The history of water in Portugal is less known, and it has been taken for granted that is similar to its neighbour. This book compares two countries that have the same historical roots and, therefore, many similar stories, but at the same time, offers insights into particular aspects of each country.
It is recommended for scholars and researchers interested in any field of history of the early modern period and of the nineteenth century, as well as general readers interested in studies on the Iberian Peninsula, since it was the role model for many settlements in South America, Asia and Africa.
Rodrigues, A. D. O Triunfo dos Jardins. O pelouro dos Passeios e Arvoredos de Lisboa (1840-1900). Lisbon: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal/ Lisboa Capital Verde Europeia 2020. 640 pages.
The work is available at:
Toda a área de Lisboa a norte dos Restauradores, a ocidente do Bairro Alto e a este de São Vicente de Fora nasceu, basicamente, do trabalho de equipa da Câmara Municipal na segunda metade do século XIX. Tradicionalmente tida como uma cidade suja, com falta de água e pouco industrializada, Lisboa foi radicalmente transformada pelos Liberais entre 1840 e 1900, quando a municipalidade se lançou na modernização da cidade. Mas, na sua agenda, não constava apenas a construção das infraestruturas da cidade. A Lisboa moderna tinha de ser verde. O jardim da Estrela foi construído, a avenida da Liberdade foi aberta, o parque da Liberdade foi projetado, e o Campo Grande pensado para ser os pulmões de Lisboa. Este livro conta a história das visões, vontades, e valores dos homens que a partir do pelouro dos Passeios e Arvoredos da Câmara Municipal de Lisboa contribuíram para a transformação de Lisboa numa cidade voltada para o cidadão. O triunfo dos jardins é um livro que interessa a todos os que queiram conhecer as sementes que foram lançadas há cerca de século e meio, antes de Lisboa ser galardoada como Capital Verde Europeia 2020.
special issue
GARDENS AND LANDSCAPES Sciendo, Volume 7, N1 (2021), 59 pages. Published Online: 18 Jan 2022
Author: Ana Duarte Rodrigues
Page range: 1-4
Author: Magdalena Merlos & Victoria Soto
Page range: 18-29
book chapters

Batista, D. and Costa, M. R., “Landscape and Water Heritage in Mountainous Areas: From the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, from Northern Portugal to Southern Morocco”, in The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula Between the Sixteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, Rodrigues, A. D. and Toribio, C. (eds.), Springer.
Author: Desidério Batista & Miguel Reimão

A. D. Rodrigues and C. Toribio, “The Aesthetical Application of Water in Iberian Gardens”, in The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula Between the Sixteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, Ana Duarte Rodrigues and Carmen Toribio Marín (eds.), Springer, 2019.
Author: Ana Duarte Rodrigues & Carmen Toribio

Batista, D. “A paisagem da água e o património hidráulico comum ao território transfronteiriço. Os casos do Barrocal algarvio e da Serra de Aracena, Huelva”, in Maria Prieto Peinado (ed.), Valoración y Regeneración del Paisaje Transfronterizo, Málaga: Recolectores Urbanos RU books, 2018, pp.124-131.
Author: Desidério Batista

Marques, C. “Sistema Oliver Evans de moagem e o uso da água: transformação da paisagem e sociedade rural rumo ao desenvolvimento industrial estadunidense”. IX Congresso de Estudos Rurais e X Encontro do Rural RePort, Faro, Portugal. (2022).
Author: Clara Marques
Sowina, U. “Water management in Polish Towns (13th – 16th centuries)” in: Gestione dell’Acqua in Europa (XII-XVIII secc.) Selezione di ricerche/ Water management in Europe (12th – 18th centuries). Selection of essays. Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Prato, Serie II – Atti delle “Settimane di Studi” e altri Convegni 49. Firenze University Press/Università degli Studi di Firenze 2018, pp. 81-100.
Rodrigues, A. D. “Memórias incompletas. Jardins Portugueses nos Fundos da Biblioteca Nacional”, Jardins Históricos, Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, pp. 23-35, 2020.
Rodrigues, A. D. , “The Technical and Social Scope of Irrigation in the Algarve”, in The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula Between the Sixteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, Rodrigues, A. D. and Toribio, C. (eds.), Springer, 2019.
A. D. Rodrigues and C. Toribio, “The Aesthetical Application of Water in Iberian Gardens”, in The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula Between the Sixteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, Ana Duarte Rodrigues and Carmen Toribio Marín (eds.), Springer, 2019.
Rodrigues, A. D. and Romero, M. M. “Noras, Norias and ‘Technology-of-Use’”, in The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula Between the Sixteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, Ana Duarte Rodrigues and Carmen Toribio Marín (eds.), Springer, 2019.
Rodrigues, A. D. “Working with Nature: Nineteenth-century Vineyards in the Algarve”. In Ana Cristina Roque and Cristina Brito (eds.), Peoples, Nature and Environments: Learning to Live Together. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2020, pp. 208-219. ISBN: 978-1-5275-4131-3.
Rodrigues, A. D. , “Glamour & Expertise na Real Quinta de Queluz”. In Atas do Ciclo de Conferências do Palácio Nacional de Mafra na Comemoração do Tricentenário do Lançamento da Primeira Pedra da Basílica de Mafra (1717-2017), Mafra: Câmara Municipal de Mafra, 2019, pp. 126-139. ISBN: 978-972-8204-64-8.
Rodrigues, A. D. , “A Quinta da Bacalhoa: regularização do espaço e controlo da natureza”. In António Cunha Bento, Inês Gato de Pinho e Maria João Pereira Coutinho (eds.), O Património Arquitectónico Civil de Setúbal e Azeitão, Setúbal: Câmara Municipal de Setúbal, pp. 87-109. ISBN: 978-972-817-30-9.
Tchikine, A. “Technology of Grandeur: Early Modern Aqueducts in Portugal”, in The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula Between the Sixteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, Rodrigues, A. D. and Toribio, C. (eds.), Springer.
Batista, D. and Costa, M. R., “Landscape and Water Heritage in Mountainous Areas: From the Atlantic to the Mediterranean, from Northern Portugal to Southern Morocco”, in The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula Between the Sixteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, Rodrigues, A. D. and Toribio, C. (eds.), Springer.
Batista, D. “A paisagem da água e o património hidráulico comum ao território transfronteiriço. Os casos do Barrocal algarvio e da Serra de Aracena, Huelva”, in Maria Prieto Peinado (ed.), Valoración y Regeneración del Paisaje Transfronterizo, Málaga: Recolectores Urbanos RU books, 2018, pp.124-131.
Puga, J.A. “The Water that Passes through Alcoa & Baça: The Hydraulic System of the Monastery of Alcobaça”, in The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula Between the Sixteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, Rodrigues, A. D. and Toribio, C. (eds.), Springer.
Puga, J. A., “O Couto de Alcobaça e a sua Relação com a Água”, Patrícia Alho (ed.), Pelos Trilhos de Água na Arquitectura, 2019.
Merlos, M. and Victoria Soto Caba, “Toledo: The Thirsty City”, in The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula Between the Sixteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, Rodrigues, A. D. and Toribio, C. (eds.), Springer.
Valleriani, M. “The Thirsty but Educated Iberian Peninsula. As a Means of Introduction”, in The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula Between the Sixteenth and the Nineteenth Centuries, A.D.Rodrigues and C. Toribio (eds.), Springer.
Valleriani, M. “Structure and Epistemology of the Practical Knowledge of the Venetian Arsenal” in Les ingénieurs, des intermédiaires? Transmission et coopération à l’épreuve du terrain (Europe, XVe-XVIIIe siècle), ed. by L. Hilaire-Perez, PUM Presses universitaires du Midi, Toulouse, In press.
Sowina, U. “Water management in Polish Towns (13th – 16th centuries)” in: Gestione dell’Acqua in Europa (XII-XVIII secc.) Selezione di ricerche/ Water management in Europe (12th – 18th centuries). Selection of essays. Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Prato, Serie II – Atti delle “Settimane di Studi” e altri Convegni 49. Firenze University Press/Università degli Studi di Firenze 2018, pp. 81-100.
Rodrigues, A. D.; Marques, C.; Monteiro, P. “O Jardim do Palácio de Friburgo no Recife: um jardim mediterrânico construído nos trópicos por holandeses”. Barroco em movimento: Portugal e Brasil e a construção de um novo olhar. Univesidad de Pablo Olavide, Sevilha, Espanha. (2021).
Marques, C. “Sistema Oliver Evans de moagem e o uso da água: transformação da paisagem e sociedade rural rumo ao desenvolvimento industrial estadunidense”. IX Congresso de Estudos Rurais e X Encontro do Rural RePort, Faro, Portugal. (2022).
García-Pereda, I.; Parejo-Moruno, F. M., “The Boutelou Brothers: From gardening to agronomic practices, education and travels in Spain at the turn of the nineteenth century”, Notes & Records of the Royal Society of London, 0, 1-19. DOI: 10.1098/rsnr.2020.0053. Impact Factor 2019: 0.23, WoS, Q2.
García-Pereda, I. “Experts, study tours, arboretums and tree manuals: eucalyptus introduction in Portugal and its connections with Morocco and Spain”, in: Entangled peripheries. New contributions to the history of Portugal and Morocco: Essays in homage to Eva Maria von Kemnitz, Francisco Javier Martínez (éd.), Évora: CIDEHUS. (2020)
Tchikine, A. (co-edited with Sonia Berjman): “Landscape Architecture in Latin America, Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,” Special Issue, Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, 39/3 (2019).
Rodrigues, A. D. (with Desidério Baptista). “El proyecto AQUA evalúa el uso eficiente del agua em los jardines de la Edad Moderna”. Revista PH. Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico, nº 105. pp. 5-8. (2022).
Rodrigues, A. D. (with Ignacio García-Pereda). “Eucalyptus Acclimatization for Fighting Malaria: Environmental and Medical Experiments in the Iberian Nineteenth Century”. Social History of Medicine, Oxford Press, vol. 35, nº 1. pp. 72-96. (2022).
Covas, D., Oliveira, P. F. G., Martins, N. M. C., Fontes, P. Hydroenergy harvesting assessment: The case study of Alviela river. Water (Switzerland), 13(13), 1764. (2021),
Covas, D., Monteiro, L., Cristina, R. Water and energy efficiency assessment in urban green spaces. Energies, 14(17), 5490. (2021).
Gentilcore, D. “The cistern-system of early modern Venice: technology, politics and culture in a hydraulic society”. Water Hist. nº13. pp. 375–406 (2021).
Gentilcore, D. “From ‘Vilest Beverage’ to ‘Universal Medicine’: Drinking Water in Printed Regimens and Health Guides, 1450–1750”. Social History of Medicine. Volume 33. Issue 3. pp. 683–703. (2020).
Gentilcore, D. “Cool and tasty waters: managing Naples’s water supply, c. 1500–c. 1750”. Water Hist. 11. pp. 125–151 (2019).
Marques, C. “The development of industrial activity in Tomar: a study on the unpublished document of Bernardo Daniel de Moraes’ Requirement.” Gardens & Landscapes. Volume 7, nº1. (2021).
Rodrigues, A. D.; Batista, D.; Marques, C.; García-Pereda, I.; Puga, J. “The Water Culture of the Order of Christ in the making of hydric self-sufficient and sustainable hydric systems”. Historia Agraria. (2023).
master's theses
Marques, C. (Spatial Planning and Urbanism Masters; Advisors: Ana Duarte Rodrigues e João Silva Leite). Tomar, Convento de Cristo e a água: interpretação morfológica e suas inter-relações com as estruturas hidráulicas (séc. XVI-XIX). (2021).
Trindade Monteiro, P. (Urbanismo Sustentável e Ordenamento do Território Masters; Advisor: Ana Duarte Rodrigues e José António Tenedório) . O Uso inteligente da Água no Seixal. (2021)